I recently came across an article, a little-known tidbit of American 20th Century history. The "Night of Terror" occurred on November 17, 1917, just one of the consequences for women in the suffrage movement wanting all women to be heard.
(AP Photo/Stephen Savoia)
If we sit home and make excuses, Lucy Burns and Alice Paul would wonder if their suffering and torture here in the United States had been worth it. They and other women were those Iron Jawed Angels who refused to give up.
Should we go back 100 years, when women were not given a voice, and not allowed to share an opinion: "Stay at home ladies. Mend clothing, cook meals, play the piano forte, raise children, but don't ever think about wanting to express your rights as full American citizens."The women's suffrage movement was not against stay-at-home moms, so don't all the SAHM's be upset with me for thinking I don't believe domestic duties are beneath us. What I'm saying is that women, no matter what their career, have equal rights as citizens. We are capable of thinking and reasoning and, yes, even leading. And we can still mend clothing, cook meals, etc.
This election is historic in many ways. We have the rich and powerful running for office, as well as those from "regular" backgrounds. Laugh at McCain's foible about all his real estate, but I can guarantee you Sarah Palin knows about where she lives. Some might criticize the rich for being out of touch, but when a regular person stands at the brink of something big, those same critics demean the regular person's humble roots. Does being rich equal qualified yet clueless? Hmmm... Does being middle-class equal unqualified and clueless? Does that mean the middle-class are incapable of making decisions or leading?
What I liked about Sarah Palin were her words dealing with being a servant. Leaders are put in place by the intent of the people, to serve us. Ladies, those people are in office because we put them there. I like what she said about rooting out corruption at the highest levels in government. The bigger the organization, the more capacity it has for corruption to go unnoticed because of all the "busy" work. I think that happens no matter who is President, and whichever party holds the highest office.
I also liked her gracious words about the women who paved the way for her: Geraldine Ferraro and Hillary Clinton. Like them or not, it takes tough women who won't go away that make the idea of citizens' equality stick in our minds. We're reminded of possibilities, not obstacles.
This is a plug for us women to get off our duffs and start caring. Because if we don't care about what Lucy and Alice and other women like them strived to get us, will we care if rights ever get taken away? Our Constitution gives us rights, and it's up to us to be informed.
And by informed, I don't mean by reading and believing every anti-Obama or anti-McCain e-mail as gospel. (That's for another post one day.)
Ladies, let's must exercise our right to vote intelligently and prayerfully.